Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Advent... Christmas is only 26 days from today...

Are you ready for Christmas? This Sunday we will start the church calendar countdown to Christmas. Advent, as Christians is the period of expectant waiting and preparation for the coming of Christ. Christmas is not suppose to be about parties, trees, and presents, but is the date we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. During this period of time we celebrate Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace. Beyond the commercialism of Christmas, life can make Advent difficult. In my experience these weeks can be far from holy, joyful, hopeful, peaceful, or full of love.

Last year was one of those years. I had trouble finding a lot of joy leading up to Christmas. The music, ads, wish lists, and constant sales of Christmas in the retail sector did not help with matters. Grief and dissappointment were the feelings that filled my life and the weeks leading up to Christmas.

At this time last year, I was so overwhelmed with family medical situations we did not even put up a Christmas tree. What was the point? There was only two of us and no one was coming to our house for Christmas. It was difficult for us to find the joy in the season, because of the disappointment and sadness of the previous year of life. It was hard to be joyful.

It is hard to believe another year has gone by.

What a difference a year can make in ones life.

We put up a Christmas tree and we are looking forward to Christmas day. See this year we were blessed with a Child. As we prepare for Christmas this year we are seeking to help make Christmas about Christ. Having my daughter in my arms gives me a new image and feel of Christmas. I have a clear idea of how much fear, discomfort, and anxiety that Mary and Joseph were feeling in the days leading up to Jesus birth. At the same time, I understand the peace and joy that came into my life when my daughter was born. I understand how much love and hope surrounds our family and our relationship.

How much more is that love, hope, peace, and joy that is shared by our God. There must have been such joy and peace with Mary and Joseph once they held Jesus in their arms.

This Christmas as I remember how my daughter has changed my life, how much more Jesus birth changed my life and the world. Oh come, Oh come, Emmanuel… to transform me and the world.

The journey continues... I can only wait to see what will happen this next year with Jesus changing, leading, molding, transforming my life.

My Christmas Change your life!

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