Thursday – Luke 18: 9-14
Eventually we will find ourselves caught in one of Jesus’ stories. In today’s reading, I find myself as the object of the lesson. Jesus tells of two men who went to the temple to pray. The first was a high-profile member of the congregation, well known for his contributions to the church and the community. The other man was known as Otis. Otis was always drinking and stirring things up in the community.
The way Jesus tells the story, the first man starts praying out loud and giving thanks for all he has and also for the fact that he is different than Otis. Otis on the other hand has trouble even looking up and around the room. Otis only muttered something about his sins and then left.Jesus concludes the story; I think to myself, I am glad that I am different from the rich fellow. Then embarrassment hits me. It makes me uncomfortable. As much as the rich man had judge Otis, I to was judging the rich man. I have at times fallen into the same trap Jesus was teaching about in this story. I was placing myself above others in God’s eyes. I was equating my sins were less than others sins were.
Questions for Reflection and Comment:
Have you been caught in the story before?
What embarrasses you?
Does God hear prayers of certain people more readily than the prayers of others?
Imagine standing next to someone you do not like or have considered different from you.
Jesus is next to you and begins to tell you what he sees in the person next to you.
What does Jesus see?
You ask Jesus how can I pray for this other person?
How does Jesus answer you?
What prayer did he say?
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