Saturday, March 15, 2008

Day 34 on the Journey

Saturday - Luke 22: 14 – 38

Throughout the bible, there are many different memorable meals. I love the story of the unnamed visitors to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham welcomed them without question and hosted them for a meal. Those same visitors announced Sarah’s impending pregnancy. Elisha set a banquet table for a captured army and thus set into motion a cease-fire agreement. We also have all the meals Jesus shared. Jesus must of loved to eat.

Sharing a meal with others has a way of evoking memories, don’t they? The final meal with Jesus was for sure full of memorable moments.

Imagine you are there with Jesus and the disciples for their final meal.

What are the smells that fill the room?

What foods are on the table?

Where do you sit?

What is Jesus posture and facial expressions during the meal?

More Questions for reflection and comment:

During the meal, individuals begin sharing their favorite stories and memories of their journey together.

What story do you tell?

Why do you share that story as your favorite?

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