Monday, February 18, 2008

Tuesday - Day 12 on the Journey

Luke 10: 1 – 37

Jesus was at it again today. A lawyer asked Jesus a loaded question, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus response was brief and it wasn’t even a statement, but a question. “What does the law require?” We all know the answer don’t we. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all you mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”

Then Jesus told a story to all of us as to who the neighbor was. To everyone’s surprise he makes the hero of the story and the neighbor as a Samaritan. You would think Jesus would be more careful as many times as he has already upset people with his stories. In a very short time of following Jesus around, I think he has come into contact with just about every unwelcome, despicable, and otherwise unlikely character. And through his interactions he has treated them with hospitality, welcome, kindness, and as friends. Doesn’t he know his interactions with those people and telling stories like today that he is going to have a hard time attracting followers?

While I am talking about attracting followers, I should go ahead and say something about other things he has said. Just the other day Jesus said, “foxes have holes and birds have nest as safe havens.” Then he warns those who want to follow him that they will be lambs in midst of the wolves. Does he really think he is going to get more followers this way?

Should we put up warning signs for people who want to become disciples today?

What might they say?

Another thought I had. Was Jesus really interested in gaining a large following? It really does not appear so. Neither does it appear that Jesus had any interest in being an answer man. He refused to give easy answers. He always forces people to make their own decisions.

Questions for reflection and comment:

If you had a chance to sit by yourself with Jesus at this point in the journey, what questions would you ask?

Do you think Jesus senses any treat of persecution or death?

How do you regard his warnings about the cost of discipleship?

What part of Jesus preaching and teaching do you find most difficult?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would ask Jesus why it seems that He does seems be trying to make some people feel uncomfortable. Be it not answering questions directly or by telling them not to tell others of the miracles He is performing, I would ask Him why He didn't want a larger following?
I do think that He does sense the upcoming persecution and death.
His warnings confuse me as I wonder why if I'm doing the work that He sent me to do why can't He protect me?