Sunday, February 10, 2008

First Sunday in Lent - February 10, 2008

Questions or Conflicts about the Sabbath – Luke 6: 1- 11

Is keeping the Sabbath day not important? When not keeping the Sabbath day holy we are breaking one of the 10 commandments. Are laws and commandments not important?

I think Jesus was arguing that the letter of the law, but the Spirit of the law. I think what Jesus was trying to get the Pharisees and us to see is that God’s intentions or desires for us, must consist of something other than endless debates, rule setting, and discussions. Sabbath keeping was important not because it was a rule, but because it helps foster our relationship with God.

Jesus and his companions receiving nourishment was more important than following the law. God’s desire is not a group of people that know how to say all the right words or follow a set of rules perfectly. God desires our relationship. God desires right relationships with him, others, and creation.

I am not sure the point was as much about the law, but the arguments around the law. If you think about it, debates sometimes constitute ways to avoid the difficult task of actually helping people. Moreover, if we are not careful our talk about an issue might get confused with work. For example, we might confuse our talking or arguing about the poor the same as involvement with the poor. A debate about what may be done on the Sabbath does not mean the same as helping a crippled man on the Sabbath. Our words are not always the same as our actions.

I think Sabbath keeping is important. Yes, but not to the extreme level the Pharisees were seeking. Plus, I do not think it is important because of a list of rules. I hold the conviction because it is important and beneficial to be connected to God and to find rest. I also would say relationships, healing, and care for neighbors are not to be avoided, just because it is Sunday. Sabbath keeping is giving a whole day to allow God to restore you, like Jesus restored the man’s hand. And it might just happen when you are doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.

Some questions to answer and comment upon:

What if Jesus did not heal the man?

Would Jesus not healing the man change our understanding of God? (Jesus came so we might have a living, breathing, and visual understanding of God… Emanuel – God with us. Jesus was God incarnate.)

Does God only work 6 days a week?

What do you think is most important for us today, with what Jesus was teaching in this passage?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you said, I think the most important thing that Jesus is trying to teach us is that the spirit of the law is greater than the letter of the law. The Pharisees were so caught up in following tradition that they were more concerned about to do to Jesus than learning from what he was teaching.
I think God does work 6 days a week.