Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 5 on the Journey - Luke 6: 12 - 26

Luke 6: 12-19

When I was reading the calling of the disciples, I found myself in a different place than ever before. I was one of many people who had been following Jesus around the last several weeks and months. One day Jesus went off and prayed all night and when he returned the next day he began to list those whom were to be his disciples.

I was listening and waiting to hear if my name was to be called. I was nervous. I was not sure I really was ready to be his disciple. I had really mixed feelings. I was not sure if I was qualified. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be on the inner circle. Yes Jesus was healing people, but at the same time he was instantiating confrontation. I don’t like conflict. Then I started hearing so of the names he called, and thinking why would he choose them? One was a zealot and a couple of others were real hotheads. I am sure Jesus had a reason. Jesus kept calling names and I waited…

Where you chosen?

How do you think those who did not get chosen might have felt?

What was Jesus reason for picking you?

Luke 6: 20 – 26

It is hard to understand Jesus at times. He speaks in riddles and I am not sure how I feel about that.

As I read these verses from Luke my mind jumped to modern times. I saw Jesus speaking these words at the door of the food stamp distribution center. These people had gathered to receive there month’s allotment of food stamps. And Jesus says, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Bless are you who are hungry no, for you will be filled.”

How do you think people reacted?

How would you feel if you were with Jesus when he was teaching this?

What was Jesus trying to teach us and others?

I can imagine people hearing Jesus and saying, “he speaks in contradictions. A person is either rich or poor, hungry or fed. How could he speak to us about being poor, hungry, and blessed at the same time? Life is not like that.”

What would you say to Jesus?

What would you say to those who were standing in line?

What was Jesus trying to get us to understand?

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