Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 9 on the Journey

And the Power went out… Luke 8: 40 – 56

In today’s reading, I found myself imagining Jesus in a rush to help another person, but the crowd was pressed in upon. It was wall to wall people. I reminded me of what I think the sidewalks in New York City are like at rush hour. Jesus was being jostled as he made his way through the crowd.

I imagined a frail woman who was walking several steps behind him. She was moving as quickly as she could. She was shoving her way through the crowd. She come to see Jesus and she was afraid that she would not see him again. This was her only chance. Desperately trying to get to Jesus she lunges forward and catches his robe.

Then Jesus stopped suddenly causing a human traffic jam. Surely she was not expecting the entire crowd to stop, but it did. I am sure she was delighted to be healed. At the same time I bet she was also terrified at being singled out.

Questions for reflection and comments:

What happens next?

How does Jesus voice sound when he asks, “who touched me?”

What kind of risk do you need to take with Jesus so you can be whole?

Luke 8: 54 – 56

Why does Jesus keep telling people not to tell about their experience of Jesus’ power?

Do you think the family really would not tell? Why or Why not?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that Jesus's voice is one of compassion and concern when asking "who touched me". I think that the woman is teaching us that we sometimes have to stand out from the crowd to follow Jesus. The risk that you run is not always been part of the "in" crowd, but often the "in" crowd is just misery loves company. If they were willing to turn to God, they would receive the fullness that their lives are missing.
I think that Jesus keeps telling people to not tell is so that they will focus on what He can focus on teaching.
I know that if one of my children had received such a miracle, I would be shouting from the rooftops of the miracle that had been performed.